$('#answer-example-share-button').on('click', () => { if (navigator.share) { navigator.share({ title: 'Web Share API Draft', text: 'Take a look at this spec!', url: 'https://wicg.github.io/web-share/#share-method', }) .then(() => console.log('Successful share')) .catch((error) => console.log('Error sharing', error)); } else { console.log('Share not supported on this browser, do it the old way.'); } });
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Paranormal documentary, ghost hunting, haunted house, filmmaking, company video production, Drone Videography, Drone Filmaking | Robot Ninja Media
Paranormal documentary, ghost hunting, haunted house, filmmaking, company video production, Drone Videography, Drone Filmaking | Robot Ninja Media


Creative Director/Filmmaker

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Vera loves Visual Arts and storytelling, and has a passion for finding innovative interdisciplinary approaches. As co-owner of Robot Ninja Media, Director,Producer and Editor you can see her work in the films The Sleepless Unrest, The Haunting Lodge and

The House in Between Part 1 and 2. She is dedicated to captivating audiences with her creative vision.

Paranormal documentary, ghost hunting, haunted house, filmmaking, company video production, Drone Videography, Drone Filmaking | Robot Ninja Media

Early on, Vera had a passion for the performing and visual arts. She took part in numerous plays and art competitions, where her paintings repeatedly placed first. She majored in Visual Arts and began her career in filmmaking and Graphic Design back in the mid 90s. Her preferred subjects included human interest, the medical field, and the unexplained and mysterious.


The interest for the medical field also led Vera to study Nursing and she worked many years in the Department of Pediatrics, Geriatrics,Psychiatry Nephrology, and Internal Medicine.


Vera was hired in February 2010 for the television program Ghost Hunters Academy, where she met, fell in love with, and eventually married filmmaker Kendall Whelpton. Together, they formed Robot Ninja Media.


Paranormal documentary, ghost hunting, haunted house, filmmaking, company video production, Drone Videography, Drone Filmaking | Robot Ninja Media
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www.robotninjamedia.com is a quality content production company creating documentary films related to the unexplained such as ghost hunting, haunted houses, UFOs, paranormal activity. The House in Between, The House in Between Part 2, The Sleepless Unrest, The Haunting Lodge

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